+447536 182045
Creativity, self-discovery, and integration
Hello everyone and welcome to my website. My name is Ayesha Powell and I offer sessions of conscious connected breathwork. Within these sessions, the breath will safely take you through a deeply detoxifying and energising experience, clearing away old stagnant patterns, leaving you revitalised and in touch with your creativity, inner calm and peace, and a deep sense of wellbeing. We all carry conditioning often going back generations and also cultural and social oppression that we are unaware of or have suppressed.

Working as a journalist in a hectic and often pressured environment for over 15 years in the Middle East and Asia, I eventually fell so ill I had to be carried away on a stretcher to hospital with breathing difficulties! I always had a weakness in the lungs and this led to my quest to strengthen them and find therapeutic modalities that helped. The breath is such an instinctual and primal part of our being and physiology, it seemed like the most natural area to investigate. My interest in Sufism and shamanism inspired me to link the breath to all aspects of life.It's the nature of the breath, like the element of wind, to spread seeds of creativity, so I rediscovered my love for books, music and art during this period. The breath also unveils hidden and lost aspects of the psyche and this led me to do a bit of 'soul mining' and gain a deeper understanding of myself and others--patterns, habits, and default defence mechanisms that we all acquire through life. I added psychotherapy to my training and qualified as a counsellor/ psychotherapist.The breath has taught me that we are all connected to each other and that we are part of nature, not separate from it. I live as close to nature as I can and respect,honour and love all of creation and feel deeply privileged to be able to serve.
I'm a fully trained, fully insured, Conscious Connected Breathwork practitioner and member of the British Rebirth Society (BRS--rebirthingbreathwork.co.uk) and the International Breathwork Foundation (ibfbreathwork.org) with over 10 years experience working with clients from all walks of life. Each session is different in quality and length but some can last for two hours+, so please set aside enough time. Wear loose, comfy clothing and simply breathe a series of circular, energising breaths with me! The breath unearths long-held negative core beliefs and releases them. Some challenging issues in the form of strong emotions, memories and physical symptoms may arise during the sessions but I will keep you safe. You are in charge at all times and fully conscious (albeit in a heightened state of awareness!). All personal details are kept secure and confidential.
Ayesha Powell
I charge £90 per in person session for those in work, and a negotiable fee for unwaged/ those not earning. Healing and wellbeing is essential to life and nobody is turned away for lack of funds. For enquiries about sessions and availability, please fill in and submit this form or email/call.
+447536 182045